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Browser Console Utilities For Developers

We have several helper functions that you can use to test or debug DataGrail Consent on your website. Use these commands within the browser console.


Instantly reveals the Consent banner layout rendered on the page, based on your policy settings.

Show a Banner Layer


Instantly reveals the specific Consent banner layer within the layout delivered to your website, based on your policy settings.


Instantly hides the Consent banner on your website.


Returns an JSON object containing an array of the status of consent for each category purpose.

You can also use the following command:


Check if a Category is Enabled


Returns true if the category key provided was given consent, either via policy or banner notice interaction.

Possible [CATEGORY] values are: essential, performance, marketing, functional


Returns a JSON object of the current configuration of Consent delivered to the current website.

The response body contains several values useful for self-serve debugging purposes:

  • consentMode - the current policy behavior for Consent, based on your geolocation. Can be set to one of the two following values:
    • optout - the data subject is currently being tracked and must opt-out of tracking
    • optin - the data subject is not being tracked and must opt-in to being tracked
  • showBanner - returns true if the banner is set to show on first page load, based on your policy settings.
  • consentPolicy - the current policy that guides both the consentMode and showBanner values.
  • layout - this object returns the configuration set for each layer that is rendered on the page. Of particular note is the banner_api_id for each layer, which you can use to show a specific layer using the showConsentBanner() function above.
  • plugins - reports if DataGrail Consent plugins are active:
    • scriptControl - manages custom, inline scripts
    • cookieBlocking - will block cookies based on managed rules created within DataGrail.

Get Unmanaged Scripts

ScriptControl is the DataGrail Consent plugin that manages inline scripts configured with DataGrail Consent. You can use the following commands to report on the scripts DataGrail are either managed or unmanaged.

  • Managed scripts are those that contain a data-consent-id and, thus, will be set to execute or not based on a consent preference or policy setting.
  • Unmanaged scripts do not contain a data-consent-id, so they will not be controlled by DataGrail Consent.

It is useful to run the following command to see if there are any scripts on your site that would be eligible for management:

Scripts Managed by Integrations

Some of these scripts may be managed via an integration, so you may not necessarily need to use ScriptControl for all reported scripts.

Check if a GPC Signal is Enabled


DataGrail Consent rejects all non-essential trackers if set to true.

Check Current GTM Container

const searchScript = "", searchQSKey = "id=";
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("script")).filter((x) => {
if (x.src.includes(searchScript)) {
let index_start = x.src.indexOf(searchQSKey) + searchQSKey.length;
let index_end = x.src.indexOf("&", index_start);
index_end = index_end == -1 ? x.src.length : index_end;
let search_value = x.src.substring(index_start, index_end);
console.log(x.src, search_value);

This will enumerate each container URL and container ID embedded within the website's page code. Here's an example output for DataGrail's website: GTM-K4JV5F7


Need help?
If you have any questions, please reach out to your dedicated CSM or contact us at

Disclaimer: The information contained in this message does not constitute as legal advice. We would advise seeking professional counsel before acting on or interpreting any material.