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Webflow Integration

DataGrail Consent enables your Webflow site to respect a data subject's (end user) consent to tracking with the Webflow Analyze and Optimize products. Our Consent Management Platform (CMP) adjusts the Tracking Defaults setting for Analyze and Optimize, based on the location of the user (and thus, what consent policy applies to them), and their consent choice (either implicitly through a universal opt-out signal or explicitly via the banner notice that appears on your site).

If you aren't already a DataGrail Consent customer, we'd love to have you! Learn more about our partnership and how DataGrail helps your business earn trust with your users here.

Integration Walkthrough

To configure DataGrail Consent, you must have a published Google Tag Manager configured on your Webflow site; however, you do not need any additional tags or variables set up within the container. You can follow this GTM setup guide from the Webflow blog for more information.

Connect DataGrail to Webflow

  1. Log in to your DataGrail environment, select the Integrations tab, then select Create new Integration. Search for the Webflow integration. You will see a screen that looks like the one below:

Connect Webflow

  1. Select Consent Management as the only capability. You'll also need to provide a name for the integration. We recommend Webflow, this can be edited later.

  2. Select Login to Configure. After authenticating with your Webflow account, select the sites where you will be installing DataGrail Consent:


If you are just getting started with DataGrail Consent, you'll need to connect your Google Tag Manager account to DataGrail, and then select the container that is already installed on your Webflow site. Follow this getting started guide to set up DataGrail Consent with Google Tag Manager. At a high level, the process is as follows:

  1. Add the Google Tag Manager Integration: Create a new integration and select "Google Tag Manager". You only need the "consent management" capability. The person authenticating to connect must have publish permissions on any container you select to manage with DataGrail.
  2. Container Selection: After connecting your Google Tag Manager account, head over to the Consent Management UI and select the container you wish to manage with DataGrail. This should match the container installed to your Webflow site.
  3. Script/service setup and classification: Classify tags within the container to the appropriate categories. If there are inline scripts to manage that are not within GTM, follow this guide to handle those.
  4. Confirm category and banner text: By default we create four categories that will appear on the banner for those that want to update their preferences and select specific categories to consent for sharing data. We also provide default text. If you just want to confirm the banner works, you can skip this for now and come back to it later after deploying DataGrail Consent once.
  5. Confirm banner behavior by policy: Under the Settings → Policies tab, you can specify whether the banner is visible on load based on "policy", which are buckets of locations that are governed under a privacy framework. You can also specify whether the user that arrives from that policy (location) initial consent state is "opt-out" (meaning they have to opt-out of tracking) or "opt-in" (meaning they must opt-in to be tracked).

Once you've completed the above process, you must enable DataGrail to manage Webflow Analyze and Optimize by container. There is a toggle on each container within the Manage Containers settings page.

Manage Tracking

  1. Select Review & Update to send DataGrail Consent updates as a new container version within GTM. You can choose to create a version without publishing in order to test the setup using the Google Tag Assistant.

Publish to Containers

  1. Once you publish the container version as live on your site, DataGrail Consent will now be available to manage consent preferences for Webflow Analyze & Optimize. You will see our consent code as a new tag called Consent Banner and the code that manages Webflow Analyze & Optimize as a second new tag called DataGrail Webflow Plugin:

GTM Tags

  1. You can confirm this by navigating to your Webflow site and using the banner to accept essential trackers only and confirming your opt out state using the following command in the browser console:
< true

If the value is set to null, then Webflow will be tracking your device for this session.

Frequently Asked Questions

The banner appears on my site, but rejecting preferences doesn't seem to change the analytics opt-out state. What steps can I perform to troubleshoot this issue?
  • Clear browser cookies and website data for your Webflow site, ensuring that you are retrieving the latest data from Webflow and Google Tag Manager.
  • Confirm the Google Tag Manager container contains the two DataGrail tags described above. Also, confirm this is the container that is installed on the site (via custom code or as an app). Lastly, confirm that this container version that has the two tags is the one that is live.

If you are still having issues, please contact Support - we're here to help!

Can I add a link to my site to allow customers to update their consent preferences later?

Yes, you can link to a JavaScript event like so:

<a href="#" onclick="window.DG_BANNER_API.showConsentBanner();">
My Privacy Choices
How do I configure DataGrail Consent to open the banner on page load and set up the initial tracking behavior?

DataGrail has a concept of policies, which are collections of rules and behaviors that are applied based on your site visitor's location. Out of the box, DataGrail Consent is configured with a default set of policies mapped to the regions that apply to them:

Consent Behavior

The configurations you select here will be automatically applied based on the visitor's location (determined by their IP address).

Can I use DataGrail Consent without Google Tag Manager?

No, but Google Tag Manager is free to use and easy to set up. Webflow also offers an app to integrate GTM directly.

Does DataGrail provide other privacy solutions other than Consent Management?

Yes! We can power your businesses ability to manage Data Subject Access/Deletion requests; create Records of Processing Activities powered by a Live Data Map of services used in your organization; monitor and respond to privacy risks (including those as a result of using AI); and more.


Need help?
If you have any questions, please reach out to your dedicated CSM or contact us at

Disclaimer: The information contained in this message does not constitute as legal advice. We would advise seeking professional counsel before acting on or interpreting any material.