Authentication & Authorization
CommerceTools connects via OAuth 2.0 with Client Credentials Flow.
Client ID, Client Secret, Project Key and Region are obtained when creating the API Client, see (see Commerce Tools Connection Instructions).
DataGrail updates the access token after it expires to keep the connection alive.
Publicly exposing your API credentials can allow unauthorized access to the Administrate API endpoints, and your Administrate data by a third party. DataGrail stores your API credentials encrypted and protected.
DataGrail requires customers to configure and grant specific and limited Scopes in order to provide its services for access and deletion privacy requests
manage_customers:{projectKey}: grants permission to view, create, update, and delete Customers in a Project,
manage_payments:{projectKey}: grants permission to view, create, update, and delete Payments in a Project,
manage_orders:{projectKey}: grants permission to view, create, update, and delete Carts, Orders, Associate Carts, Associate Orders, Zones in a Project,
manage_shopping_lists{projectKey}: grants permission to view, create, update, and delete Shopping Lists in a Project,
manage_products:{projectKey}: grants permission to view, create, update, and delete Product Types, Products, Channels, Inventory Entries, Reviews, Product Discounts in a Project. It also implies the scope to view published Product Projections.
Endpoints Utilized
Get and refresh access token:
- POST https ://auth.{domain}/oauth/token
where domain - host name where the Composable Commerce API is provided.
Example: https ://
Base URL
The base url for the API requests depends on the API host and Project Key.
Example of the base URL: https ://
- DataGrail supports requests throttling to stay within 70-80% of specified service rate limits.
- DataGrail processes API responses with HTTP 429 status to interrupt requests, waiting and retrying (using an exponential backoff strategy).
For an access request, DataGrail will take the following actions:
Search for Customers whose email or customer ID matches the Data Subject email or customer ID. For all collected Customers:
Fetch Carts by the Customer ID.
Fetch Orders by the Customer ID.
Fetch Payments by the Customer ID.
Fetch Reviews by the Customer ID.
Fetch Shopping Lists by the Customer ID.
Fetch Cart Discounts by the Customer ID.
Fetch Messages by the Customer ID.
Fetch Business Units by the Customer ID.
Fetch Quotes by the Customer ID.
Fetch Quote Requests by the Customer ID.
Fetch Staged Quotes by the Customer ID.
Fetch Custom Objects by the Customer ID and/or Customer email.
Endpoints Utilized
GET {BASE_URL}/customers
GET {BASE_URL}/carts
GET {BASE_URL}/orders
GET {BASE_URL}/payments
GET {BASE_URL}/reviews
GET {BASE_URL}/shopping-lists
GET {BASE_URL}/cart-discounts
GET {BASE_URL}/messages
GET {BASE_URL}/business-units
GET {BASE_URL}/quotes
GET {BASE_URL}/quote-requests
GET {BASE_URL}/staged-quotes
GET {BASE_URL}/custom-objects
For a deletion request, DataGrail will take the following actions:
Run access flow to collect objects. You can select which found objects you want to delete via our Portal Requests.
Delete collected (and selected) objects:
Delete Customer by ID
Delete Cart by ID
Delete Order by ID
Delete Payment by ID
Delete Review by ID
Delete ShoppingList by ID
Delete CustomObject by ID
Delete BusinessUnit by ID
Delete Quote by ID
Delete QuoteRequest by ID
Delete StagedQuote by ID
Endpoints Utilized
DELETE {BASE_URL}/customers/{customer_id}
DELETE {BASE_URL}/carts/{cart_id}
DELETE {BASE_URL}/orders/{order_id}
DELETE {BASE_URL}/payments/{payment_id}
DELETE {BASE_URL}/reviews/{review_id}
DELETE {BASE_URL}/shopping-lists/{shopping_list_id}
DELETE {BASE_URL}/custom-objects/{custom_object_container_id}/{customer_object_key}
DELETE {BASE_URL}/business-units/{business_unit_id}
DELETE {BASE_URL}/quotes/{quote_id}
DELETE {BASE_URL}/quote_requests/{quote_request_id}
DELETE {BASE_URL}/staged-quotes/{staged_quote_id}
Most of these endpoints support dataErasure parameter in DELETE requests. DataGrail sets it to true, it ensures the removal of all personal data related to the object, including Messages and internal logs.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this message does not constitute as legal advice. We would advise seeking professional counsel before acting on or interpreting any material.