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Google Analytics

The Google Analytics integration utilizes the DataGrail Google Analytics Web Server Application and this documentation describes the technical capabilities of this integration, including authorization, scopes/permissions, and utilized endpoints. For more information on how to integrate Google Analytics, visit our connection instructions.


This integration utilizes the Google Analytics Analytics Reporting API & Management API v4 and v3, respectively.

Base URL

The base URL used for all Google Analytics API endpoints:

Authentication & Authorization

The DataGrail Google Analytics integration connects using OAuth 2.0.


The Google Analytics integration requires specific scopes that must be granted in order to function for a given capability.

access_type: “offline” ✳️
prompt: “select_account consent”✳️
✳️ optional scope
Base Scopes
All base scopes must be granted in order to connect the integration with DataGrail. The remaining scopes are only required if enabling those capabilities

Endpoints Utilized

DataGrail uses the following endpoints to authorize and test the connection:


Limits in Google Analytics are calculated using the leaky bucket algorithm. All requests that are made after rate limits have been exceeded are throttled and an HTTP 429 Too Many Requests error is returned. Requests succeed again after enough requests have emptied out of the bucket.

  • DataGrail supports requests throttling to stay within 70-80% of specified service rate limits.
  • DataGrail processes API responses with HTTP 429 status to interrupt requests, waiting and retrying (using an exponential backoff strategy).



DataGrail's Google Analytics integration provides Synchronous Access capabilities for the following supported identifier category: Google Analytics Client ID.

Data Interactions

For Access requests, DataGrail will take the following actions:

  1. Fetch a list of User Profiles.
  2. Search User Activity in the set of collected profiles by the User ID for the last week.

Endpoints Utilized

GET/analytics/v3/management/accounts/~all/webproperties/~all/profilesFetch a list of the user's profiles
GET/v4/userActivity:searchSearch user activity


DataGrail's Google Analytics integration provides Synchronous Deletion capabilities for the following supported identifier category: Google Analytics Client ID.

Data Interactions

For Deletion requests, DataGrail will take the following actions:

  1. Fetch a list of User Profiles.
  2. Search User Activity in the set of collected profiles by the User ID for the last week.
  3. Use the upsert method to request data deletion for a given user.
  4. Once deletion is requested, data associated with this user identifier will be removed from the Google Analytics Individual User Report within 72 hours, and then deleted from Analytics servers during the next deletion process. Deletion processes are scheduled to occur approximately every two months.

Google Analytics reports based on previously aggregated data (i.e. user counts in the audience overview report), so reporting will be unaffected.

Endpoints Utilized

GET/analytics/v3/management/accounts/~all/webproperties/~all/profilesFetch a list of the user's profiles
POST/analytics/v3/userDeletion/userDeletionRequests:upsertRequest data deletion
GET/v4/userActivity:searchSearch user activity


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If you have any questions, please reach out to your dedicated CSM or contact us at

Disclaimer: The information contained in this message does not constitute as legal advice. We would advise seeking professional counsel before acting on or interpreting any material.