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RDD Scheduling API

The RDD Scheduling API was built to enable more scalable management of scan scheduling using standard CRUD functions, allowing you to choose the best times and cadence to scan your data sources.

This also assumes you've set up integrations whose schedule you wish to manage.

For an example using terraform, see Using Terraform below.

API Conventions

All URLs listed in the documentation should have the same base URL that precedes each route. This consists of your organization's DataGrail URL along with the API version:



In order to use this API, you must first set up an RDD agent. An agent's associated API key is required to authenticate and authorize requests to this API. The API key will be required as a bearer token in the Authorization header.

Create a Schedule

POST a cron expression to perform data discovery scans for a given integration. If successful, the newly created schedule's ID will be returned.


POST /api/v2/integrations/:id/schedules


Authorizationstring (required)
Your bearer token.

Path Parameters

idUUID (required)
The integration ID.

Body Parameters

schedule_forstring (required)
Job type: objects_scan
cron_expressionstring (required)
The cron expression. All times are UTC. Range and step values supported (-, /).
ISO 8601 date string (YYYY-MM-DD) specifying when scans can start. Default: date of schedule creation.
ISO 8601 date string (YYYY-MM-DD). Default: null. Use this value to pause scans, setting to null can resume after start_date.

In the cron expression, be sure to set numeric values for minutes and hours to avoid scanning systems every minute/hour. We recommend scanning at most once a week.

Example Request

# first of the month, 1AM UTC every quarter
curl -XPOST "https://${yoursubdomain}<uuid>/schedules" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <api_key>" \
-d '{
"schedule_for": "objects_scan",
"cron_expression": "0 1 1 1/3 *"

Example Response - 200 OK

"cron_expression": "0 1 1 1/3 *",
"schedule_for": "objects_scan",
"start_date": null,
"end_date": null,
"id": "5373f707-54e5-46bc-953e-90fbbb7c7d09"

List all Schedules

GET a list of schedules for an integration.


GET /api/v2/integrations/:id/schedules


Authorizationstring (required)
Your bearer token.

Path Parameters

idUUID (required)
The integration ID.

Example Request

curl -XGET "https://${yoursubdomain}<uuid>/schedules" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <api_key>"

Example Response - 200 OK

"cron_expression": "0 1 1 1/3 *",
"schedule_for": "objects_scan",
"start_date": null,
"end_date": null,
"id": "5373f707-54e5-46bc-953e-90fbbb7c7d09"

Get a Schedule

GET a schedule for an integration


GET /api/v2/integrations/:id/schedules/:sid


Authorizationstring (required)
Your bearer token.

Path Parameters

idUUID (required)
The integration ID.
sidUUID (required)
The schedule ID.

Example Request

curl -XGET "https://${yoursubdomain}<uuid>/schedules/<sid>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <api_key>"

Example Response (200 OK)

"cron_expression": "0 1 1 1/3 *",
"schedule_for": "objects_scan",
"start_date": null,
"end_date": null,
"id": "5373f707-54e5-46bc-953e-90fbbb7c7d09"

Update a Schedule

UPDATE the schedule of an integration.


PUT /api/v2/integrations/:id/schedules/:sid


Authorizationstring (required)
Your bearer token.

Path Parameters

idUUID (required)
The integration ID.
sidUUID (required)
The schedule ID.

Body Parameters

schedule_forstring (required)
Job type: objects_scan
cron_expressionstring (required)
The cron expression. All times are UTC. Range and step values supported (-, /).
ISO 8601 date string (YYYY-MM-DD) specifying when scans can start. Default: date of schedule creation.
ISO 8601 date string (YYYY-MM-DD). Default: null. Use this value to pause scans, setting to null can resume after start_date.

In the cron expression, be sure to set numeric values for minutes and hours to avoid scanning systems every minute/hour. We recommend scanning at most once a week.

Example Request

# 20th of every month, 11:15PM UTC
# scans start in September, 2025
curl -XPUT "https://${yoursubdomain}<uuid>/schedules" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <api_key>" \
-d '{
"schedule_for": "objects_scan",
"cron_expression": "15 23 20 * *",
"start_date": "2025-09-01"

Example Response - 200 OK

"cron_expression": "15 23 20 * *",
"schedule_for": "objects_scan",
"start_date": "2025-09-01",
"end_date": null,
"id": "5373f707-54e5-46bc-953e-90fbbb7c7d09"

Delete a Schedule

DELETE an integration schedule and use DataGrail defaults


DELETE /api/v2/integrations/:id/schedules/:sid


Authorizationstring (required)
Your bearer token.

Path Parameters

idUUID (required)
The integration ID.
sidUUID (required)
The schedule ID.

Example Request

curl -XDELETE "https://${yoursubdomain}<uuid>/schedules/<sid>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <api_key>"

Example Response (200 OK)


Error Codes

This API uses the following error codes:

401Unauthorized -- Your API key is incorrect or invalid.
404Not Found -- The integration could not be found. Confirm the route or integration id are correct.
422Unprocessable Entity -- The request body cannot be processed. Ensure that you're passing the correct parameters.
500Internal Server Error -- An internal and unexpected error condition occurred.

Using Terraform

To configure your integrations and their schedules for your data sources, below is an example that uses the terraform-provider-restapi.

When resources are modified, the appropriate API calls are made to add, remove and update schedules.

To configure the token and hostnames, use environment variables (TF_VAR_*) or your preferred, secured method.

terraform {
required_providers {
restapi = {
source = "mastercard/restapi"
version = "~> 1.19.1"

variable "dg_agent_token" {
type = string
description = "The API token of the RDD Agent."

variable "dg_api_hostname" {
type = string
description = "Your API hostname, eg,"

provider "restapi" {
alias = "datagrail_rdd_api"
uri = "https://${var.dg_api_hostname}/"
debug = true
write_returns_object = true

headers = {
Authorization = "Bearer ${var.dg_agent_token}",
"Content-Type" = "application/json"

resource "restapi_object" "example_postgres_scanner" {
provider = restapi.datagrail_rdd_api
path = "/api/v2/data_discovery/integrations"
data = jsonencode({
name = "postgres-test-api-01"
credentials_location = "arn:example"
connector_type = "postgres"

resource "restapi_object" "example_postgres_schedule" {
provider = restapi.datagrail_rdd_api
path = "/api/v2/integrations/${}/schedules"
data = jsonencode({
schedule_for = "objects_scan"
cron_expression = "0 0 * * 7"


Need help?
If you have any questions, please reach out to your dedicated CSM or contact us at

Disclaimer: The information contained in this message does not constitute as legal advice. We would advise seeking professional counsel before acting on or interpreting any material.