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Toll-Free Phone Number Intake

If your company utilizes the DataGrail-enabled toll-free number to intake privacy requests, all calls to this toll-free number will create a privacy request in DataGrail.

Once a data subject calls the toll-free number after the call connects, a default voicemail is played asking them to state their name, email, and the type of privacy request they are requesting. Once the voicemail completes, a recording begins to capture the data subject’s privacy request details (name, email, etc.).

Processing Phone Requests

All privacy requests submitted via toll-free number can be viewed in the Request Queue. All recorded details from the data subject requesters call will be available via an uploaded file on the associated privacy request.

Privacy requests submitted via the toll-free number will be labeled "Phone" under Request Information in the queue.

Toll-Free Request in the Queue

DataGrail will provide a transcript and audio recording of the message on the request. In the situation where a call ends before the recorded message is read (e.g. the data subject hangs up or attempts to state their information while the message is being read), no recording or transcript will be available for this request in DataGrail.

Audio Transcript

Voicemail Message

The current default recorded message for a toll-free number that is configured with DataGrail is the following:

“Hello. This number receives privacy requests for DataGrail Customer Name. If you wish to submit a privacy request, please clearly state your email, location, and type of request (access or deletion) in a recorded message after the tone. Please press # when you are done.”

Here, the DataGrail Customer Name field will be replaced by your company’s name.

Cusomized Voicemail

The default recorded message is customizable, if you would like to customize the message, please reach out to us at


Need help?
If you have any questions, please reach out to your dedicated CSM or contact us at

Disclaimer: The information contained in this message does not constitute as legal advice. We would advise seeking professional counsel before acting on or interpreting any material.