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Integration Statuses

When processing a request, the status of the overall ticket, as well as the actions each integration takes to find and process data. Integration statuses offer insight into actions that can be taken to progress integrations.

When a privacy request is submitted, DataGrail's Integration network is used to find information related to personal identifiable information from the data subject (requester).

The integration network is split into third-party integrations (applications and software companies purchase and use) and first-party integrations (internal systems).

Integration States

Request processing occurs in two phases.

The access phase occurs when a requester's data is extracted from the enabled integrations, and the processing phase, which, depending on the privacy right, can mean deletion, downloading, or updating of data.

Specific Privacy Rights (Access Requests vs. Deletion Requests) also have particular statuses.

Access Request Statuses

Integration StateIntegration TypeDescription
Not StartedAPIIntegration is waiting for processing.
Not Started
Will process in a workflow
APIIntegration is deferred to process in a workflow.
PendingAPIIntegration is waiting for a person or system to initiate the integration.
Request submitted
APIIntegration is in the process of extracting data.
See Integration Errors
APIIntegration encountered an issue that could not be resolved programmatically.
Access skipped
APIAccess phase in this integration has been skipped.
# records found
APIThe integration has been finished looking for data and data was returned, the number of records founds indicates the number of records returned.
No records found
APIThe integration has been finished looking for data, and no data was returned in the integration.
Not StartedDirect ContactThe Direct Contact is waiting for processing.
Not Started
Will process in a workflow
Direct ContactThe Direct Contact is deferred to process in a workflow.
PendingDirect ContactThe Direct Contact is waiting for a person or system to initiate the integration.
Due in # days
Direct ContactThe Direct Contact is waiting to upload data.
Access skipped (no response)
Direct ContactThe Direct Contact did not respond to this integration, but the integration is configured to continue processing. Skip and process
Due # days ago
Direct ContactThe Direct Contact did not respond to this integration, but the integration is configured to stop processing. Pause processing this request
See Integration Errors
Direct ContactIntegration encountered an issue that could not be resolved programmatically.
# of files uploaded
Direct ContactThe system owner has replied, and the number indicates the number of records uploaded.
No files uploaded
Direct ContactThe system owner has replied, and no records were found.
Access skipped (no response)
Direct ContactThis integration has been skipped because there was no response within the 14-day deadline.
Stopped processing
Direct ContactA user has manually stopped processing the integration in the UI

Deletion Request Statuses

Deletion requests include two separate phases. Data is extracted from the integrations in the access phase, and the deletion phase is the processing phase. In the deletion processing phase, if data is found, the data is deleted.

Access Phase

Integration StateIntegration TypeDescription
Not StartedAPIIntegration is waiting for processing.
Not Started
No extraction
APIIntegration is skipping the access phase (full deletion).
Not Started
Will process in a workflow
APIIntegration is deferred to process in a workflow.
PendingAPIIntegration is waiting for a person or system to initiate the integration.
Request submitted
APIIntegration is in the process of extracting data.
See Integration Errors
APIIntegration encountered an issue that could not be resolved programmatically.
Access skipped
APIAccess phase in this integration has been skipped.
Full deletion
APIThe integration only runs in deletion phase.
# records found
APIThe integration has been finished looking for data and data was returned, the number of records founds indicates the number of records returned.
No records found
APIThe integration has been finished looking for data, and no data was returned in the integration.
Not StartedDirect ContactThe Direct Contact is waiting for processing.
Not Started
No extraction
Direct ContactThe Direct Contact is waiting for processing.
Not Started
Will process in a workflow
Direct ContactThe Direct Contact is deferred to process in a workflow.
PendingDirect ContactThe Direct Contact is waiting for a person or system to initiate the integration.
Due in # days
Direct ContactThe Direct Contact is waiting to upload data.
Access skipped (no response)
Direct ContactThe Direct Contact did not respond to this integration, but the integration is configured to continue processing. Skip and process
Due # days ago
Direct ContactThe Direct Contact did not respond to this integration, but the integration is configured to stop processing. Pause processing this request
See Integration Errors
Direct ContactIntegration encountered an issue that could not be resolved programmatically.
# of files uploaded
Direct ContactThe system owner has replied, and the number indicates the number of records uploaded.
No files uploaded
Direct ContactThe system owner has replied, and no records were found.
Access skipped (no response)
Direct ContactThis integration has been skipped because there was no response within the 14-day deadline.
Stopped processing
Direct ContactA user has manually stopped processing the integration in the UI

Deletion Phase

Integration StateIntegration TypeDescription
Not StartedAPIIntegration is waiting for processing.
Not Started
No extraction
APIIntegration is skipping the access phase (full deletion).
Not Started
Will process in a workflow
APIIntegration is deferred to process in a workflow.
PendingAPIAccess phase has been completed for this integration and is ready for processing.
Request submitted
APIThe integration is in the process of requesting the data be deleted from the integration.
See Integration Errors
APIIntegration encountered an issue that could not be resolved programmatically.
Deletion skipped
APIDeletion phase in this integration has been skipped.
Deletion done
APIWhen the integration access phase is skipped for a whole record deletion, but the data has been deleted.
# records deleted
APIIntegration has completed processing and deleted all records found.
No records deleted
APIIntegration did not find data in the access phase and does not need to process any data.
Not StartedDirect ContactThe Direct Contact is waiting for processing.
Not Started
Will process in a workflow
Direct ContactThe Direct Contact is deferred to process in a workflow.
PendingDirect ContactThe Direct Contact is waiting for a person or system to initiate the integration.
Due in # days
Direct ContactThe system owner of this integration has been contacted to delete the records found in access phase. The deadline is set for 14 days to respond.
Deletion skipped (no response)
Direct ContactThe system owner of this integration has not responded to the deletion request, and the integration is configured to skip with no response automatically. Skip and process
Due # days ago
Direct ContactThe system owner of this integration has not responded to the deletion request, and the integration is configured to pause no response automatically. Pause processing this request
See Integration Errors
Direct ContactIntegration encountered an issue that could not be resolved programmatically.
Stopped processing
Direct ContactA user has manually stopped processing the integration in the UI
Deletion done
Direct ContactThe system owner for this integration has marked "Yes, we have deleted any applicable data belonging to the data subject" on the direct contact form.
Nothing to delete
Direct ContactThe system owner for this integration has marked "No, we do not hold personal data about the data subject" on the direct contact form.
Data found, not deleted
Direct ContactThe system owner for this integration has marked "No, we could not delete data for the data subject" on the direct contact form.

Integration Errors

Integration errors occur when there is an issue in completing an integration request. Below is a list of errors and a description of what is happening. Errors logs can be downloaded when they occur.

StateError MessageDescription
Internal Server Error
Integration API server is incapable of performing the request. Contact your system owner to review your service account.- 5XX Error (Data System error or API isn’t working)
Internal Server Error
Integration API server is not ready to handle the request. It can be a temporary error that may be resolved automatically.- 502, 503, 504: API server error. This could be for multiple reasons, including:
- Temporary API server error that will be resolved automatically without interference
- DataGrail error
- Customer's configuration or permission error
Disconnected integration
This integration has been disconnected. Contact your system owner to review integration connection configuration.- Disconnected integration
- DataGrail user will also get an email notification
Request error
Integration API server cannot process the request due to a request error. Please verify the integration configuration.- 400, 422
Authorization error
Integration API server cannot authorize required DataGrail request. Contact your system owner to review the integration connection configuration.- 401
Payment required
There’s a payment issue with your integration. Contact your system owner to update.- 402
Insufficient permissions
This integration has insufficient permissions. Contact your system owner to update the API permissions.- 403
Unprocessable request
Integration API server cannot find the requested resource. Please verify integration configuration.- 404
Request timeout
Processing has been interrupted due to request timeout. It can be a temporary error that may be resolved automatically.- 408
Rate limit error
Processing has been blocked due to Integration API server rate limitation. Contact your system owner to check your service limits.- 429
DataGrail error
We’re experiencing a problem with this integration. Our Support Team has been notified of the issue.- Covers all other codes and errors
- DataGrail support will be notified of the issue

Request State Summary

Request StatePhase
Accessing data
Data is currently being accessed. Once all the data has been accessed, you'll be able to choose what to send to the requester.
- Access
- Access categories
- Data portability
Data accessed
Select what data you'd like to send to the requester before processing the request.
- Access
- Access categories
- Data portability
Data accessed
All selected data has been sent to the requester.
- Closed or complete
- Access
- Access categories
- Data portability
Accessing data
Data is currently being accessed. Once all the data has been accessed, you'll be able to choose what to delete.
- Deletion
Data ready for deletion
Select what data you'd like to delete before processing the request.
- Deletion
Deleting data
All selected data is in the process of being deleted.
- Deletion
Data deleted
All selected data has been deleted.
- Deletion
- Closed or complete


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If you have any questions, please reach out to your dedicated CSM or contact us at

Disclaimer: The information contained in this message does not constitute as legal advice. We would advise seeking professional counsel before acting on or interpreting any material.