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Risk Monitor Overview

Risk Monitor is a tool within DataGrail designed to assess and monitor potential risks associated with data privacy and compliance. This tool tracks and analyzes various factors that could pose risks to an organization's data privacy practices. This may include monitoring data flows, access permissions, potential vulnerabilities, compliance gaps, or changes in regulatory requirements. DataGrail's Risk Monitor has been proven to facilitate risk management, alerting organizations to potential issues or compliance gaps that require attention. By providing insights and alerts regarding potential risks to data privacy and compliance, this tool helps companies take necessary action to mitigate risks and maintain a robust data privacy program.

Minimize your company's risk exposure with an intelligent solution for DPIAs

Data Privacy Impact Assessments (DPIAs) and Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs) are required by GDPR, CPRA, and other current and future laws, legislation, and auditors.

Don’t take chances when it comes to brand trust. Future-proof your company’s risk exposure with an intelligent solution for DPIAs. Risk Monitor auto-populates assessments using DataGrail's Integration Network consisting of 1,800+ integrations.

DataGrail removes the manual setups and processes by removing the need for technical support and nuance to search for personal data throughout your tech stack. With Risk Monitor, empower your team to comprehensively complete data protection assessments with prompts that were designed by privacy experts.

Quickly identify new risks and handle risk assessments in one place. Understand which third-party apps are being used -- and by whom, why, and how -- in record time, with little interruption to your daily tasks.

DataGrail translated the legalese to guide privacy managers and their colleagues through risk assessments for GDPR, CCPA/CPRA, and future legislation.

DataGrail uses existing information about your tech stack to expedite assessments, giving technical teams time back and replacing human error with process automation.

With standardized questions, integrations-powered responses, and easy, in-platform collaboration tools, anyone at your organization can get up-to-speed about evolving requirements for upholding consumer privacy.

Learn more about how you can protect your customer's personal data by scheduling a demo with DataGrail!