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7 docs tagged with "Actions"

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Bulk Actions

Bulk Actions is a new feature added to Request Manager that enables users to deny privacy requests in bulk within the DataGrail Platform. Previous to this feature, users were required to deny requests one by one so this feature provides significant time savings to Request Processors!

Close as Nonresponsive

Within DataGrail you can close a request as Nonresponsive at multiple points during the privacy request lifecycle (Access or Deletion). Closing a request as Nonresponsive allows you to stop processing a request and close it with or without an email notification to the data subject. Currently, you are able to close a request as Nonresponsive in the following states:

Close as Spam

Spam is unavoidable on the internet, but there are a few places in DataGrail that help address spam requests submitted to your company. Within the DataGrail admin console there are two places to mark a request as spam.

Extend Request Deadline

Under the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), businesses have the option to extend the timeline of privacy requests by an additional 60 days (GDPR) or 45 days (CCPA) due to the complexity and number of requests. Businesses are responsible to assess whether they fulfill the conditions to extend compliance with privacy requests.

File Uploads

DataGrail offers various file upload capabilities to add data subjects’ data to privacy requests and to verify Authorized Agents’ identities. Below are the scenarios where you can upload files along with the filetype and size restrictions for each:

Privacy Requests Export

Once you and your team start processing privacy requests through DataGrail, you may start to have questions about reporting on those requests outside of DataGrail.

Stop Processing Direct Contact Integration

A User can stop processing a Direct Contact system at any time during the data retrieval process by clicking into a request and selecting the '...' button > Stop Processing on the Direct Contact Integration.