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7 docs tagged with "Intake form"

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To allow DataGrail to host the forms your customers will use to submit privacy requests, you first need to configure two CNAMES in your AWS account. After signing in to the AWS console, follow the steps in this article to configure both CNAME records.

CNAMEs in Google Domains

To allow DataGrail to host the forms your customers will use to submit privacy requests, you first need to configure two CNAMES in your Google Domains account. After signing in to Google Domains, follow the steps in this article to configure both CNAME records.

Google Tag Manager

DataGrail allows the submission of opt-outs via multiple methods. One method is setting a cookie to allow you to prevent the insertion of tags. For example, you may determine that you do not wish to have retargeting actions performed on opted-out users.

Intake Form

Processing privacy requests is a very manual process that can be prone to human error and increase compliance risk. DataGrail's Privacy Intake process helps customers reduce hours spent managing DSARs through automation.


CPRA gives data subjects the Right to Opt-Out of the Sale of their Personal Information to third parties. DataGrail customers have the ability to handle Do Not Sell or Share (DNSS) requests through an intake form, verify those requests, and maintain a record log for compliance.

Understanding CNAMEs

DataGrail utilizes CNAMES setup by customers to host the privacy request and do not sell forms. These forms are used by your customers and others to submit access, deletion, and any other type of request that you support. In order for DataGrail to host the forms on your company’s domain, we request that a CNAME record is created.

Working with Multiple Brands and Domains

If your organization consists of multiple website domains or multiple brands under a single corporate entity, this article describes the standard integration path.