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7 docs tagged with "Privacy Request"

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Bulk Actions

Bulk Actions is a new feature added to Request Manager that enables users to deny privacy requests in bulk within the DataGrail Platform. Previous to this feature, users were required to deny requests one by one so this feature provides significant time savings to Request Processors!

Email Notifications

Certain DataGrail Users will receive email notifications based on their User Role and responsibilities in the platform. Here, we will explain how to manage those notifications in the Email Notifications Settings tool.

Miscellaneous Files

The Miscellaneous Files item in the Integrations List on Access Requests in the Extracting Personal Data and Pending Action states, allowing internal users to upload data directly through the app.

Privacy Requests Export

Once you and your team start processing privacy requests through DataGrail, you may start to have questions about reporting on those requests outside of DataGrail.

Request an Extension

Under the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), businesses have the option to extend the timeline of privacy requests by an additional 60 days (GDPR) or 45 days (CCPA) due to the complexity and number of requests. Businesses are responsible to assess whether they fulfill the conditions to extend compliance with privacy requests.