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Configuring Email Forwarding

For DataGrail to automatically parse email requests, you’ll need to forward emails to (hereafter referred to as the intake address):


In the intake address, [your_company_name_here] represents the subdomain of your DataGrail URL (i.e., if you log in at, then you’d forward emails to

The following are ways that email forwarding can be set up to ensure that the original email headers are preserved. If your email provider isn’t listed below, consult your email administrator or your DataGrail CSM.

G Suite (Gmail)

A G Suite administrator can set up an email group that can be identified by an email address (such as, and can include the intake address as a member of the group. With an email group, when the group receives an email, it redirects the message to all members. For instructions on how to set up email intake with an email group, see: Forward Setup - Google Groups.

Note: For email redirection with Google Groups to work, you will need to ensure that you have the following settings set for the group: allow external members checked and who can post set to anyone on the web.

You can also forward your emails directly to the intake address using the following instructions: Forward your emails.

Office 365 (Outlook)

Outlook has a convenient mechanism to preserve email headers by using email redirecting versus forwarding. If you need to, consult your email administrator to confirm which version of Outlook you’re using.

You can also create a distribution group, and include the intake address.


Need help?
If you have any questions, please reach out to your dedicated CSM or contact us at

Disclaimer: The information contained in this message does not constitute as legal advice. We would advise seeking professional counsel before acting on or interpreting any material.